The attacks against presidents of the United States occur when it is in force on the sky the conjugation of several areas of the Zodiac inhabited simultaneously by several planets, Sun or Node of the Moon. Predestination by stars and planets exists although we know little about it.
The pass of a planet, the Sun, a Moon´s Node ou Chiron in the area 9º.10º of Aries sign is one of the conditions to generate an attack against the president of USA.
On November 22, 1963, with Jupiter in 9º 51´/ 48´Aries, president John Fitzgerald Kennedy is assassinated in Elm Street, in Dallas, and the governor of Texas, John Connaly, is wounded by shots; on March 30, 1981, with Mars in 9º 59´/ 10º 45´Aries, president Ronald Reagan, Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McVarthy and Washington DC policeman Thomas Delahanty are shot and seroiusly wounded by John W.Hinckley in Washington, District of Columbia.
Some of next dates in which the Sun or a planet will be in 9-.10º of the sign of Aries, increasing the possibilities of an attempt against the president of USA are: on February 9-11 2017 (Mars); on February 17-21, 2017 (Venus); on March 14-18, 2017 (Venus); on 18-19 of March 2017 (Mercury); on March 28-31, 2017 (Sun); on May 13-15, 2017 (Venus).
AREAS 15º TAURO, 6º-17º LIBRA,:
The pass of a planet, the Sun, a Moon´s Node ou Chiron in the area 15º of Taurus and simultaneously in the area 6º.17º of Libra sign sign is one of the conditions to generate an attack against the president of USA.
On September 6, 1901, with Moon´s South node in 15º 54´/ 49´Tauro, Venus in 16º 14´/ 17º 27´ Libra, president William McKinley is shot by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, while he was attending recepcion for Pan-American Exhibition, in Buffalo, New York; on March 30, 1981, with Chiron in 15º 30´/ 33´Tauro, Saturn in 6º 13´/ 8´Libra, president Ronald Reagan, Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McVarthy and Washington DC policeman Thomas Delahanty are shot and seroiusly wounded by John W.Hinckley in Washington, District of Columbia.
© (All rights reserved to Francisco Limpo de Faria Queiroz)
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