One of the areas of the Zodiac that identifies Spain is the area 14º-16º of Sagittarius´s sign, that is, the 254th-255th-256th degrees of ecliptic longitude. The presence of the Sun, a planet, of the planetoid Chiron or of a Node of the Moon in 14 th /16th of Sagittarius´s sign is a cause of great accidents or attacks in Spain.
On December 20, 1973, with Venus in 16º 38´/ 18º 10´of Sagittarius ´s sign, a bomb of ETA ( acronym for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna a formerly armed leftist Basque nationalist and separatist organization) explodes underneath the pavement of the Claudio Coelho street in Madrid destroying the automobile where the Spanish prime minister of Franco's dictatorship, admiral Luis Carrero Blanco travels, killing Carrero, the driver and a police inspector.
On July 11, 1978, with Neptune in 16º 7´/ 16º 6´of Sagittarius ´s sign, a tanker carrying propylene gas explodes next to a holiday camp, near Carlos de la Rapita on Spain´s Mediterranean coast, killing some 170 people instantly and injuring 200 other people, many of them will die later in consequence of the wounds.
On 19 April 1995, with Jupiter in 14º 55 '/ 51' of Sagittarius, José Maria Aznar, leader of the main opposition party in Spain, escapes unharmed in his Armored car to the explosion of a car bomb of the ETA in the street Arturo Soria in Madrid, Spain, dying a person and having numerous damages in buildings and automobiles.
On October 16, 2000, with Chiron in 14 ° 7 '/ 13' of the sign of Sagittarius, a tanker loaded with 25,000 liters of gas overturns on the national highway 435 in the municipal district of Santa Ana la Real (Huelva), spilling all the fuel and arriving the discharge to the bed of a stream;
On January 17, 2001, with Pluto in 14 ° 18' / 20 'of the sign of Sagittarius, a frontal collision of two trucks in Albuñol (Granada) causes the discharge of more than 5,000 liters of diesel.
Some of next dates in which the Sun, the Moon´s Node or a planet will be in 14º-16º of the sign of Sagittarius, increasing the possibilities of a disaster, attack ou great ceremony in Spain are: on November 15-18, 2017 (Mercury); on December 5-8, 2017 (Sun); on December 12-14, 2017 (Venus).
Note: we do not use constelations in our calcul, only use signs which have by chance the same name, but there is no confusion, they are diferent things. A sign is an arc of 30 degrees in the Zodiac not coinciding with the constellation which carries the same name: Aries sign is measured from the vernal point, crossed every year by the Sun , and occupies the first 30 degrees of Zodiac (0º-30º of the ecliptic or apparent trajectory of the Sun). The sign of Taurus is from 30º until 60º of ecliptic. The sign of Gemini extends from 60º untill 90º degrees in longitude. The sign of Cancer extends from 90º until 120º degrees. Leo´s sign extends from 120º until 150º , etc. Our historical investigation made in Portugal since many years is the scientific astrology, the most advanced astrology of the world, surpassing and rectifying the traditional Astrology of Liz Greene, Stephen Arroyo, Dane Rudhyar, André Barbault and others. We need to be published in English language: publishers, do contact us, if you please.
© (All rights reserved to Francisco Limpo de Faria Queiroz)
Livraria online de Filosofia e Astrologia Histórica